Hiking the Sierra Nevada and Hidden Villages of Alpujarra

calendar_month 8 days trip
trip Group trip
group Group of 8 to 40 people activity for Adult
location_on Trip to know Spain, Sierra Nevada y Alpujarras
Hiking the Sierra Nevada and Hidden Villages of Alpujarra
from 1.395
public Spring
public Autumn
public Hiking trips
Viajes de Senderismo
public Easy Level
public Moderate Level
public Guided Inn-based hiking tours
De hotel en hotel
public Sierra Nevada
Sierra Nevada
public Eire

Hiking the Sierra Nevada and Hidden Villages of Alpujarra

Exploring the Sierra Nevada and the Hidden Gems of Las Alpujarras

Embark on an unforgettable hiking journey through the Sierra Nevada's breathtaking landscapes and the Las Alpujarras's picturesque villages.

This 8-day adventure perfectly blends physical challenge, cultural immersion, and natural beauty. From rugged mountain peaks to tranquil valleys, you'll traverse ancient Moorish paths, wander through charming white-washed villages, and ascend some of the region's most spectacular peaks.

Beginning in the scenic village of Capileira, nestled in the heart of the Poqueira Gorge, you'll explore historic routes and irrigation canals, pass by terraced fields, and immerse yourself in Andalusia's rich cultural heritage. Each day presents new opportunities for discovery, from the high-altitude peaks like Peña de los Papos and Trevenque to the peaceful riverside trails along the Trevelez River and the historic Moorish settlements of La Taha.

Whether challenging yourself on the more demanding ascents or opting for gentler yet equally rewarding walks, this trip promises incredible vistas, encounters with traditional rural life, and a deep connection to the natural world. With the famous Iberian ham of Trevelez to fuel you and charming accommodations to welcome you each evening, this trip is an ideal choice for hiking enthusiasts and lovers of both nature and culture.

Experience the essence of southern Spain on this unique, multi-level hiking tour—where the mountains meet history and adventure await at every turn.


NOTE: There is an alternative option offered to those wishing to stay overnight, enjoy the experience of staying in the Refugio & continue the A+ challenge to summit Mulhacen peak the following day (Day 4).  A minimum of 6 is required to dedicate a guide to this group.

If you are interested in this option, please ask for the detailed itinerary and prices.


Depending on your brief, we can facilitate “B” walkers with shorter walks with more peaks & “C” walkers comfortable walks featuring areas of historic or cultural interest.   The choice is yours, just let us know in advance. 



Day 1. Arrival in Malaga

Arrival at Malaga Airport. Transfer to Capileira in Las Alpujarras (90mins).  Check-in and briefing at Hotel Rural Finca Los Llanos. Dinner and accommodation.

Day 2. Breakfast


The walk begins from the village of Capileira (1,050m) & follows a trail that hugs the contours of the gorge formed by the Rios Naute & Poquiera, constantly ascending along Acequia de Los Lugares toward Puente Naute, reaching a high point of c.1,700m.  The return leg takes a route on the opposite side of the river via Puente Abuchite & Chiscar under Haza Llana, where we could cross & finish going via Aldeire (10km walk/650km) or continue past Barranco de las Rosas to Puente Molino & connect to the track into Pueblo Bubion & on a further 1km Nth on the GR441 into Capileira (15km walk/700m) or bypass Bubion & keep going onward & in a westerly direction by La Canal & la Collada del Camino de la Cominera to Los Malales to Barrance del Cerezo & turn Nth of Pueblo Pampaneira using the GR441 to return to "Pueblo Capileira".

Dinner & Accommodation in Finca Los Llanos.



From the village of Capileira, the route takes us northeast along La Canal. Near Aldeire is Puente Chiscar, where we cross the Rio Mulhacen.  From there, we follow the Camino de la Cominera in a southerly direction to Puerto Molino & onward across Barranco de Los Herrerillos & connect to Camino de la Sierra, which takes us into Pueblo Pampaneira. Then, turning North along the GR-7 route, we start a 200m ascent for the next 1.5km to Bubion & a further  150m over the next 2km along the PR A-70 walking trail to Capileira.

Dinner & Accommodation in Finca Los Llanos.

Day 3. Breakfast

LEVEL A. HIKE TO PEÑA LOS PAPOS PEAK (2,533m). CIRCULAR ROUTE. 14km +1,200m/-1,200m

Today, we move to Trevelez, the highest village in Spain, which is famous for its Iberian ham. The Peña de los Papos is one of the peaks of Sierra Nevada that stands out for its views, from the Alto del Chorrillo to the West, the Mulhacén, Siete Lagunas, the Alcazaba and a row of three thousand more to the NW, Cerro Pelao to the N, the Sierra de Gádor and all the coast of Granada and Almería to the SE. At the end of the route, we will have the chance to try the delicious Iberian ham with a cold beer. Dinner & Accommodation in Finca Los Llanos.



Gentle walk following the Trevelez River and watching a row of three thousand peaks in the background, including Mulhacen and Veleta. We will also walk in the typical Alpujarras countryside, following “Acequias” (irrigation ditches), “veredas” (official path for the sheep), cortijos (typical Andalusian farmhouses). At the end of the route, we will have the chance to try the delicious Iberian ham with a cold beer. Dinner & Accommodation in Finca Los Llanos.

Day 4. Breakfast


The start point is the village of Pitres (1,240m), one of the tiny hamlets of La Taha de Pitres. La Taha is an administrative division of Moorish heritage with seven villages sharing council & public services & population of just c.800, most living in Pitres. Here, writer Gerald Brenan – "South of Granada" - lived during summer. It has a micro-climate – protected from the severity of the sun & irrigated by the Rio Trevelez, which flows through the gorge below. The track takes you along a path at the beginning, descending towards the river through Fondales (935m) and Ferreirola (1,005m). After that, we will begin the ascent to Atalbeitar and Portugos (1300m) towns until we reach an upper irrigation canal that will take us to Capilerilla first and then to Pitres, our starting point. Dinner & Accommodation in Finca Los Llanos.



Walking through the region's Moorish history, the route takes you back in time.  The villages of La Taha are small, intimate & beautiful, nestled into the hillsides, surrounded by fruit trees & tiny fields where you wonder how the local people could eke out a living there.  Starting in Pitres (1,240m), the track takes you down 200m to Mecina (1,040m) & Fondales (935m) & turning there to follow the path to Ferreirola (1,005m) to Fuente de Fanjulia, the track climbs to Atalbeitar (1,143m) & continues just below La Glorieta to Fuente del Gitano back to Pitres (1,243m). Dinner & Accommodation in Finca Los Llanos.


Day 5. Breakfast


From the car park at Hoya del Portillo (2,050m), the route following the PR A-26 tracks along a pathway through woodland & continues climbing along the ridge above that tree line to the peak of Prado Llano (2,577m).  The views are spectacular & are even more so as you climb further across the open landscape to Alto del Chorrillo & Hoya del Iglesia (2,700m), from where a contouring descent of 150m is made to Refugio Poqueira (2,550m). The return leg follows traverses contour 2,500m, malada de Los Dalienos across the small valley of Peñon Negro to Hoya Grande, where the gentle 400m descent continues to just below the mirador Puerto Molino (2,370m), Loma de Piedra Blanca back to the car park. Dinner & Accommodation in Finca Los Llanos.



This walk also follows the same route as the A's from the car park at Hoya del Portillo (2,050m) to Puerto Molino (2,370m) to the peak Prado Llano (2,577m) along Loma Cascajar Negro to just below the peak 2,602m where we take a track Westerly descending along the ridge to the viewpoint(mirador) Puerto Molino (2,370m) & then down through the woods to the car park where we began. Dinner & Accommodation in Finca Los Llanos.

Day 6. Breakfast

FREE DAY - Transfer day to Granada. The group transfer from Capileira to Granada will be after early check-out.  The journey will take around 1 hour and a half.  On arrival, you have the rest of the day to enjoy as you wish. Accommodation in Granada.

Day 7. Breakfast


Trevenque Peak (2,079m) is a dolomite mountain that stands out on the northwest face of the Sierra Nevada and offers a magnificent view of all three western miles from Pico Veleta to Cerro del Caballo. The abrupt profiles of these mountains are masked by the high mass of the three thousand, but on our route, we will enjoy them face to face. From the source of the Hervidero, we will reach the valley of the Dílar River to climb the Trevenque peak. After the delight of the views offered by this magnificent peak, we will approach the small crest of the Alayos del Dílar, which to the north close off this impressive mountain massif. We will descend through the Dilar River Valley, following the Espartera River, finishing a magnificent circular route.



Pico Trevenque (2,079m) is a dolomite mountain standing out on the northwest of Sierra Nevada. We will make a circular route to enjoy one of the most indomitable and lonely places in the Sierra Nevada. Taking the Fuente del Hervidero as a starting point, we will ascend along an old path next to the Canal de la Espartera to the slopes of the Cuerda del Trevenque, with the Dilar River at our feet, until we reach the Rosales Refuge, located in front of the Alayos of the dilar. We will continue our march to the Collado del Tejo, a natural pass between the Cerro del Trevenque, the Cordal de Dilar and the route's highest point. From here, we will start the descent next to the Arroyo de Huenes and the north face of the Trevenque, passing by the Puente de los Siete Ojos and the Mirador de la Espartera. Without a doubt, it is a magnificent walk that will allow us to enjoy this spectacular mountain and the stunning Valle del Dilar.

Day 8. Departure

Breakfast and transfer to Malaga airport.

  • 5 nights at Hotel Rural Finca los Llanos in Capileira.
  • 2 nights at Hotel in Granada.
  • 7 Breakfast 
  • 6 dinners to experience the gastronomy (food & wine) of the towns/villages.
  • 4 guided walks in Las Alpujarras & 1 guided walk in the north face of Sierra Nevada.
  • All transport and listed activities. Airport transfers.
  • Guides – English-speaking qualified/certified/approved guides.
  • Insurances and taxes.
  • Dinner on Free Day.
  • Wines/drinks to the tour dinner menu in hotels
  • Picnics may be arranged with the hotels or bought locally. 




The minimum number necessary to complete a tour is 8 clients.  They may all be from a Walking Club or a group of friends or just a number of individuals who wish to book a tour.  To ensure the safety of each member of the tour & their enjoyment of the walks, clients must inform the tour company of their competence level A or B.  This should be done at the time the client is discussing the reservation with the tour company.  Each route has been designed to the commonly used competency standards of hillwalking clubs members of Mountaineering, Ireland. 



Tour groups may be composed of walkers of all similar levels or a mix of different levels both of fitness & experience. As indicated above, clubs & individuals should make their level known to the tour company well in advance so that the walks offered in the tour fit the appropriate levels.  While minor adjustments may be made during the tour, it is best for the enjoyment of all to divide the group into different competence levels & walk the route best suited to their abilities.  Clearly dividing groups into levels requires a dedicated guide to each group & there is an associated cost.  In that regard, it is necessary to have a minimum number of 4 for each such group.  If individuals are making up less than four wishes to undertake the route, the tour company will charge them the cost of the Guide, which will be divided among them.  



The tour company reserves the right to make changes to the structure of the tour program in advance of the tour start date where it considers it necessary to do so & will consult with the clients in advance. The circumstances where changes may be required may include weather conditions, flight/airport connection changes, cost increases of hotels, transport, guides or such other events that are material to the company not incurring a financial loss.







A deposit of €300 is required to reserve a place on tour.  The Deposit should be paid immediately to ensure that the tour company Rumbo a Picos can confirm your reservation & to ensure that the minimum number required to run the tour has been reached. 



Final payment must be made not later than 30 days before the tour start date.  




  • The tour company Rumbo a Picos reserves the right to cancel the tour if there are not the minimum number of participants, up to 30 days prior to the tour start date.  In the event of such cancellation, participants shall be refunded 100% of the payments they have made to the tour company Rumbo a Picos. The refund shall be made by Bank Transfer to the client’s bank account within 7 days of the notified cancellation. 
  • If the client cancels his/her booking prior to the tour start date,  to cover the tour company’s costs & administrative expenses the company will retain for a  cancellation prior to 90days/€50, 60days/€100, 30days/€150 and will refund to the client all other payments received by the company from the client.
  • If the client cancels his/her booking within 30 days of the tour start date, the tour company will not make any refund to the client.
  • The tour company reserves the right to modify the tour program & the itinerary in the event of circumstances outside of its control such as Force Majure, severe or unsuitable weather or any other circumstances it considers necessary to ensure the safety of the tour participants. 
  • If a participant decides to abandon the tour for whatever reason, he/she should inform the Guide in writing of their decision.  Any related expenses must be paid by the participant.  




INSURANCE INCLUDED IN THE PRICE. This insurance covers exclusively the risks related to your hiking activities with us and as a passenger in our company transport foreseen in the trip. It does not cover travel insurance.  


All customers must have travel and medical insurance. They should bring a copy with them, and give it to the Rumbo a Picos leading guides at the start of the trip. Your insurance should include adequate protection for overseas medical treatment, evacuation/repatriation, your baggage and equipment and travel cancellation expenses.


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